Perhaps your organization is experiencing cash flow problems. Perhaps you’re in the midst of a full-fledged financial catastrophe. You may not like to accept it, but you must confront the warning indications that financial distress is on the horizon. Doing nothing is the worst decision you can make. Cyril Moreau, a member of management, describes how our Interim Executives provide an immediate boost to your organization when a senior manager leaves unexpectedly.
During the change process, the department’s head is absent:
“With a view to new difficulties, a project to optimize processes had started for one of our client businesses,” says Cyril Moreau, head of the “International Executive Consulting LLC” and Senior Member of the Executive Board. When the head of the newly created organizational unit, which was critical to the project’s success, went on leave for an extended period, they decided to hire an interim manager from International Executive Consulting LLC in the United States.
Structured and relational:
In the following dialogue, Cyril Moreau, as interim manager, analyses and refines the strategy to help the company expand. We constantly make sure that staff is included in the process of change and cultural change. This has worked out fantastically. He met the staff on a personal level, which is difficult given our flat hierarchies and the large number of people who report directly to him. In this approach, he was able to organize all of the needs and lay out the groundwork for the thorough implementation. Our skilled Interim CEO was able to pick up on individual employees’ problems without passing judgment, which increased their trust and confidence.
Then he identified the new tasks based on their profiles and outlined concrete training steps and placed them on a roadmap. All of this was able to be taken up directly by the new leader of the organizational unit.
As a big challenge, the pandemic:
Cyril Moreau did not have to think too long when asked what was unique about the project. The pandemic posed a unique difficulty here as well, complicating not only the day-to-day operations, which were already running at full pace but also the optimization project execution. He has managed to defuse difficult circumstances and bring about required clarification using our Interim CEO’s relationship-oriented management approach. That was a tremendous help.
When senior personnel leaves unexpectedly, it is a challenge in normal operations, but it is considerably more so during an optimization process. We swiftly and simply connect you with specialists that are familiar with your business and have extensive interim management experience.
For more information, email us at or call us at +1-202-258-5376 to receive the Best Business Growth Solutions from an Interim Manager while a senior manager leaves unexpectedly.