Interim Manager In Projects? IEC LLC Propose 4 Strategies For A Successful Cooperation

“Leave it to the experts!”

The development of a new product quickly outpaced the competencies of the mid-sized company, as the project required more than just expertise in development, design, and prototype manufacturing. The CEO reports that “we suddenly had to deal with complicated patent issues, complicated financing, and complicated matters related to launch in the market. There was no project manager on our team who could handle all these particular difficulties.” Thus, the CEO decided to hire an external project specialist with the following qualifications: project-specific information, knowledge of the latest management approaches, a network of supportive experts, and the personal attributes to successfully close the project.

It used to be unusual to appoint interim managers to projects. But the situation is changing due to the increasing number of more complex and demanding projects.

Our interim management experts recommend implementing the following 4 strategies:

  1. Deal Fairly With The Need To Act:

Many companies only seek help from interim managers in emergencies. He is expected to make up for the loss and get the project back on track. Our interim experts remind us that “an IT project, for example, that seems unexpected at first glance, can easily develop into a tidal wave.” We also have to note that it is not just about technical tasks; organizational and cultural matters also need to be considered, as introducing employees to a new software.

  1. Carefully Select Interim Managers:

Today, there is more project specialists than professional project management skills and on-the-job experience. State-of-the-art methods, leadership skills and most importantly, project experience are essential requirements. A company has to compile a precise qualification and job profile to match the ideal project specialist. However, such specialists are difficult to find in the free market. IE Consulting LLC is one of the reputed organizations which provides the best Interim CEO, Interim Manager or Consultant as per the requirement of the client in order to give the best benefits to their businesses.

  1. Roll the Project:

Interim managers typically work their way into a project quickly and know how to win the trust of the company and employee. Interim managers must necessarily have specialized knowledge of the project-specific industry, they need to know its characteristics. In addition, they need to be masters of the tools and equipment of leadership. In addition to social skills, interim managers must possess charisma and considerable prestige is required, as they have to perform solidly in their position.

  1. Find Solutions Quickly:

Our interim managers provide experience as well as a network of diverse experts, such as specialists in change management or project marketing. Such relations are mandatory in case of emergency in a project. A major advantage is that interim managers can assess the qualifications and experience of their specialists. In many cases, they have already collaborated on previous projects and can quickly resolve difficulties together.

About International Executive Consulting LLC:

International Executive Consulting LLC provides professional consulting services for project and process management, change management as well as the development of the project and process-oriented organizations. IE Consulting LLC with our experts has worked for companies in various industries, primarily from the IT & Telecommunications sector, Plant Engineering, Industrial & Pharmaceuticals, Mobility & Logistics, Banking & Insurance. We have been providing the best service for our customers for more than 20 years in the field. Get in touch with us today!

The Solution For Your Business’ Leadership Needs – Interim Managers

More and more boards and management teams are constantly navigating between leading disruptions in business and improving operations and management to ensure that they are aligned.

4 Questions in the Minds of CEOs:

  • Which are the key strategies that deliver the most impactful outcomes to clients?
  • How do I quickly develop specialized skills the business needs to drive digital transformation?
  • How do I build new mindset and lead behavior change to face new challenges?
  • How do I build strong succession planning in the organization and reduce dependence on international expats?

Interim Managers Can Be The Solution:

For companies requiring industry or functional experts with diverse leadership and management skills, as a stop-gap measure or as a strategy to bring in cognitive diversity of thoughts and experience, hiring Interim Managers can be the solution.

Interim Managers are most often senior leaders who have opted out of the corporate world, to pursue different careers or reached the maximum retirement age. Their new life objective is to inspire and help individuals or companies grow. What they bring is extensive experience in a specific field, often with global or regional exposure bringing the ability to work at all levels, cultural sensitivity and operational expertise.

As they do not have long-term career aspirations, they are motivated by outcomes and results, Interim Managers excitedly bring in wisdom, best practices and coaching skills into the organization. They are also very independent and bring unbiased views and thoughts as they do not have the interest to be in full-time employment or to be in the good books of someone.

Interim Business Solutions

What are the Functions that Require Interim Managers?:

Almost anything. We have provided a listed energy company with an Interim Communications Manager to help them develop their annual report, and at the same time build the skills in the current team. As their Communications Director resigned, they weren’t a dire need to hire someone at such a senior level, considering the poor market sentiments and reduced workload.

You may be running a fin-tech business and require an expert to have an outside-in look around risks and governance, but do not have the bandwidth and budget to hire someone permanently. A former Country Risk Manager of an international bank might be keen to work alongside with you to help you build the framework for risk management and train your team on the governance.

How International Executive Consulting LLC can help you?:

At IE Consulting LLC, we are always available for you and our expert Interim Managers identify the gaps in your business and the necessary leadership and management traits needed and give you the best results and profits with their expertise.

Interim Management Service can be the best short-term solution for a long-term business need.

For more information, please visit us now!

Interim Managers are More than Just Instant Available Candidates

One reason for hiring an interim manager is the speed at which they can be on-board; But this should not be the only reason to hire. We are trying to recruit more permanent candidates to be available in interim roles immediately as this is seen as an effective way to try someone before being given a permanent role. The risks of this strategy are many and should be carefully observed before starting.

The immediately available permanent candidate may be a cheaper resource, but will it be fully committed to the assignment, if it does not proceed to the permanent offer? Will they be totally committed to finishing the project if another permanent opportunity arises elsewhere? Will they have the experience to actually make an impact in the short-term?

Professional interim managers bring direct experience of delivering the issues of the client organization and can quickly adapt to varying cultures, making them highly effective in a very short time. Interim Managers are not focused on staying longer than needed and are not normally interested in taking a long-term permanent opportunity; outcomes and driving value are their key priorities. The costs will be higher but the outcomes and business benefits will be easily visible after the interim has left.

Interim Managers

Interim Executives are the catalyst to positive disruption by offering:

Independence: With no historic attachment to the business, Interim Managers provide independent, committed support to the strategic direction of the business with no personal or political agenda. Many business cases are formulated with common and unclear benefits, making the measurement of delivery almost impossible. In addition, if the senior stakeholders have differing interpretations of the deliverables, there is little chance of successful delivery by Interim Executive.

Fresh Perspective: Organizations can often reduce the scale and complexity of a program and the risks associated for successful delivery on their first encounter with a major business change. Whilst the Interim Managers bring experience, having managed transformations of equal complexity and scale, they are able to highlight areas of potential financial and non-financial benefits & much quicker than internal staff.

Proven Track Record: Using interim managers instead of management consultants or inexperienced internal resources, clients have more control over results, maintain intellectual property and help reduce costs and risk associated with successful delivery.

Legacy: When utilizing any external expertise, there is a risk of losing significant knowledge and intellectual property when the project finishes. Management consultants will often walk away with this intellectual property, although interim managers will always try to transfer this knowledge to current internal staff.

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