Interim Management is On The Rise Worldwide | IEC LLC

Interim Management Is Becoming Important On A Global Level

In the beginning, large corporations and listed companies in particular concentrated on temporary management appointments to bridge personnel bottlenecks. The interim manager concept has established itself and is now playing an increasingly important role in small and medium-sized companies. An important factor is the cost, which is directly related to extensive expert knowledge.

Interim Manager – More Than A “Helper In Need”:

If an important manager fails in the middle of the project phase, this circumstance could result in the end of the project or an uncontrollable increase in financial expenses. This is where interim management comes into play and entails temporary filling of specialist positions. Without long waiting times, without costly and time-consuming job advertisements and interviews, the project is continued with the precisely qualified interim manager. All companies benefit from this, regardless of their size and number of employees. The interim manager is therefore not an “emergency helper”, but the best decision for challenging projects that are continued to perfection on schedule despite the failure of an important manager.

Who Is Interim Management For?:

The interim manager culminates vacancies in companies in which an important executive is absent at short notice. This year, the process of interim management has developed particularly in the USA medium- sized & large sized companies established, but more and more small businesses are also making use of it. For example, American family businesses have had very good experiences with interim management and rate this method of “replacement” for managers positively. The demand is increasing significantly, especially in industries where the loss of a manager leads to high financial losses and project uncertainty. Especially commercial companies, the finance and insurance industry as well as accounting are completely convinced of the bridging by an experienced interim manager and its advantages for the company.

Interim Manager | Fast And Professional Bridging Of Vacancies:

The speed of turnover is a clear plus point in interim management. For example, in the transition phase between old and new management positions, experts know that an interim manager can have enormous advantages. Neither the non-occupation nor the temporary occupation in permanent employment are economically efficient decisions of the company.

Sincerity Is Guaranteed With The Interim Manager:

The decision to interim management is a decision that entrepreneurs make for maximum sincerity and core competency. Since the interim manager does not work with the goal of a steep career in the company, they represent their own opinion and give instructions regardless of the company rules. With honest feedback, companies can save a lot of money and operate more economically through interim management. Based on their experience, experts get started right away and with the greatest competence.

At International Executive Consulting LLC, we provide the highly fruitful Interim Management and C Level Executive Consulting Services to our clients along with the Globe. For more information, please visit us today at or email us at

Interim Management – Outsource Corporate Management? | IEC LLC

More and more companies are opting for the advantages of outsourcing in different areas of the company . Only at the management level does conventional thinking still prevail. But the interim management is generating interest. It can be seen that the temporary use of leadership experts in management is no longer so consistently ruled out. The fact is – management responsibility can be outsourced.

Interim Manager Takes On The Portfolio Of Tasks At Management Level:

The global development has a positive impact on the company performance. But it also favours the overload, which can cause major problems in the area of ​​management. In addition to the internal distribution of responsibility, an interim manager is the solution for a precise sequence of all tasks at the management level. Interim management can be the best solution, especially in special situations, for example in the event of staff shortages due to illness or when the company is expanding. According to the Interim Manager Report, the outsourcing of management tasks increases productivity and eliminates problems caused by overload.

More Openness Towards The Transfer Of Responsibility:

Interim management is used more frequently for planned company sales or to bridge the period in the event of management changes. Flexibility in taking on all temporary management tasks, know-how and expertise in corporate management are guaranteed by an experienced interim manager. With around 35%, interim management is currently the focus, especially in the area of change management for managing complex transformation projects. Management does not tolerate classic role models, as times have changed and the demands on company management have changed.

The transfer, the outsourcing of responsibilities is a positive and success-promoting measure. While an overburdened management makes mistakes and cannot lead the employees in an optimal way, the interim manager goes to work with freshness and motivation.

International Executive Consulting LLC provides professional consulting services for project and process management, change management as well as the development of project and process-oriented organizations. International Executive Consulting LLC with our experts has worked for companies in various industries, primarily from the IT & Telecommunications sector. Get in touch with us today!

How to Bring Your Business Back on Track? | IEC LLC

Are you facing severe loss at your business? On the other hand, you are not able to determine the flaws at your business. Then you must consider International Executive Consulting LLC. International Executive Consulting LLC is providing interim management for your organization at the time of crises or at the time when you need them. Interim managers are highly qualified and well experienced in resolving business downturns. They first make your business steady and then implement ideas that make your business flourish further.

Your business often comes across a situation where your senior or middle level staffs are not able to deliver what your organization needs. So, having Interim Management Services from International Executive Consulting LLC assures that you will never face any business slowdowns. We are one of the best in interim management companies in California, USA.

There are countless benefits of hiring interim management services for your business. Some of them are as follows:

At the time of crises, going to the interview procedure could be very hectic. Choosing the right candidate among bunches will be a daunting task. Not only this, after short listing a candidate, you have to give training for the kind of work he/she has to do. This really requires lot of time and money. In addition, wasting time and money at deploying new and permanent professionals could cost you more at the time of business crises.

Interim management eliminates this flaw. Having a temporary interim manager, as he/she doesn’t require any training and as soon as he/she enters in your business, the problems start resolving. With his/her experience and expertise in interim management, your business starts gaining a steady position.

The interim management professionals at International Executive Consulting  LLC are serving for a long period, their experience and skills makes you understand flaws at your business and let you eliminate those within a short span of time. Since they are paid for the productivity and results, you can ensure fast recovery of your business and save your money.

Interim managers have worked before in many organizations similar to yours. Implementing best strategies for your business will accelerate growth of your business.

Interim management will provide appropriate structure and time that is being required to maintain and attain growth of your business. Interim managers are for particular period of time. Moreover, they will be in contact and will not interfere with your employees. This saves you overhead expenses that have to be made on permanent employees.

Thus, with numerous benefits of interim managers from International Executive Consulting LLC, you will certainly stand tall among your competitors. Having interim management at the time of your business crises will help you a lot and gives stability to your business within short span of time. Therefore, in order to have stability and growth at your business, consider interim management from International Executive Consulting LLC. For more details, visit

Find out more about Interim Executive, Interim Management and exactly how it could benefit your business. International Executive Consulting LLC provides interim managers to work within companies operating in the private and public sectors across the USA and increase your company’s profits.

Top C-Suite Skills That’ll Make You a Great Executive

The leader suitable for the C-suite possesses an invaluable set of skills that have been honed to grow, develop and optimize the business.

But, like every leader, an executive’s career is unique as well as the qualities he or she brings to the job. Some executives encounter opportunity and luck throughout their careers, which ultimately propel them directly into the upper echelons of business.

These are the best primary skills all great C-suite officers have:

  1. Leadership:

True leaders set aside time to lead. This means constantly learning and developing to refine your leadership skills. Some people are naturally born with leadership qualities, while others develop the ability to be a good leader over time. Natural leaders have an innate confidence and an allure that inspires trust and a following but it is a skill that all executives are continually building, whether through experience, education, or a combination of the two.

  1. People Management

Good relationships and people management are important for productivity and delivery. Arguably, the greatest asset of a company is its people. As such, it is paramount to have executives who know how to successfully build rapport with employees, stakeholders, investors, consumers, and others inside and outside the business. A good leader must also know how to properly manage those relationships for the betterment of the company.

  1. Strategy:

Without direction, purpose and strategy, no executive, regardless of the business they lead, will be successful. Strategic thinkers measure performance and day-to-day details, making them invaluable to the company. Most importantly, they are able to put these details in the context of the bigger picture.

  1. Change Management:

Being an ‘agent of change’ means more to businesses than ever before. Influenced by market changes, economy, advances in technology and many other external factors, today’s executive must adapt and be able to understand the constant flux of the business environment around him.

  1. Technical Knowledge:

Another skill that remains at the top of today’s executive positions job description is being familiar with technology. Good executives will surround themselves with experts to fill the knowledge gaps within the company. No business today wants an executive without technical knowledge.

The importance placed on technology skills is increasing. Executives need to know not only how to use technology, but how it affects business.

  1. Presentation:

An executive is an executive in everything they do – from their knowledge to their skills, to the way they present themselves, to the way they communicate with others. Soft skills and other intangibles — like being a good relationship builder and the way an executive does it — or themselves — are critical to the overall presentation and impact.

The C-Level Executives of International Executive Consulting LLC have great experience and knowledge about the market and business modules. If you have any questions about C-Suite Services USA, call us – 202-258-5376. We are just a call away. Contact us and get high quality C-Level Executive Services and turn your business logo into a brand.

Staffing Solutions That Help You Move Your Tasks Faster | IEC LLC

Interim leaders are a staffing solution worth considering. They can fill leadership gaps, bring in the right experiences when needed, focus on results and sustain change in the process.

Ready Steady Go!

Our customers want to solve problems and respond to opportunities faster than they ever thought they were capable of, and faster than the competition. When it comes to staffing solutions, many organizations struggle to fill the void created by an open leadership position. Interim leaders and managers help organizations move faster.

The Experience You Need When You Need It:

Today, management teams in most companies are pretty lean. This is cost-effective, but many organizations lose momentum because they do not have enough time, capacity, interest or motivation to tackle critical challenges. Interim leaders bring direct experience in projects or areas where a company lacks expertise for as long as it is needed.

Laser Focus On Results:

Interim managers are catalysts for targeted change. While every manager would say that he or she is “results-oriented,” the interim management role is 100% structured to achieve specific objectives. They are not influenced by existing processes, staffing issues or office politics, making it easier for them to achieve targeted objectives faster than a permanent manager.

Two Steps Forward, Then Two Steps Forward:

The biggest change in operational consulting since I started working 20 years ago has been our clients’ focus on sustainability. A lot of plants have made some process improvements so that everything is back as it used to be within a month. If you’re always losing ground you can’t move forward. Falling somewhere between a consultant and a permanent hire, the tenure of an interim manager can help ensure that any process changes are integrated into a company’s management system, and are therefore more likely to remain. .

Time To Find The Best Permanent Manager:

The cost of hiring the wrong person for a leadership position can add up quickly. These costs include recruitment fees, relocation costs, severance packages and legal fees. This does not include lost productivity, management inefficiencies and missed business opportunities, compounded by the 6-12 months it typically takes companies to recognize and respond to poor hiring decisions. Interim managers can directly support the hiring process and provide more time to find the best permanent manager for a role.

At International Executive Consulting LLC, we provide experienced and best interim experts for your business who will give boost your business as per the requirement. For more information, contact us today!

Interim Manager In Projects? IEC LLC Propose 4 Strategies For A Successful Cooperation

“Leave it to the experts!”

The development of a new product quickly outpaced the competencies of the mid-sized company, as the project required more than just expertise in development, design, and prototype manufacturing. The CEO reports that “we suddenly had to deal with complicated patent issues, complicated financing, and complicated matters related to launch in the market. There was no project manager on our team who could handle all these particular difficulties.” Thus, the CEO decided to hire an external project specialist with the following qualifications: project-specific information, knowledge of the latest management approaches, a network of supportive experts, and the personal attributes to successfully close the project.

It used to be unusual to appoint interim managers to projects. But the situation is changing due to the increasing number of more complex and demanding projects.

Our interim management experts recommend implementing the following 4 strategies:

  1. Deal Fairly With The Need To Act:

Many companies only seek help from interim managers in emergencies. He is expected to make up for the loss and get the project back on track. Our interim experts remind us that “an IT project, for example, that seems unexpected at first glance, can easily develop into a tidal wave.” We also have to note that it is not just about technical tasks; organizational and cultural matters also need to be considered, as introducing employees to a new software.

  1. Carefully Select Interim Managers:

Today, there is more project specialists than professional project management skills and on-the-job experience. State-of-the-art methods, leadership skills and most importantly, project experience are essential requirements. A company has to compile a precise qualification and job profile to match the ideal project specialist. However, such specialists are difficult to find in the free market. IE Consulting LLC is one of the reputed organizations which provides the best Interim CEO, Interim Manager or Consultant as per the requirement of the client in order to give the best benefits to their businesses.

  1. Roll the Project:

Interim managers typically work their way into a project quickly and know how to win the trust of the company and employee. Interim managers must necessarily have specialized knowledge of the project-specific industry, they need to know its characteristics. In addition, they need to be masters of the tools and equipment of leadership. In addition to social skills, interim managers must possess charisma and considerable prestige is required, as they have to perform solidly in their position.

  1. Find Solutions Quickly:

Our interim managers provide experience as well as a network of diverse experts, such as specialists in change management or project marketing. Such relations are mandatory in case of emergency in a project. A major advantage is that interim managers can assess the qualifications and experience of their specialists. In many cases, they have already collaborated on previous projects and can quickly resolve difficulties together.

About International Executive Consulting LLC:

International Executive Consulting LLC provides professional consulting services for project and process management, change management as well as the development of the project and process-oriented organizations. IE Consulting LLC with our experts has worked for companies in various industries, primarily from the IT & Telecommunications sector, Plant Engineering, Industrial & Pharmaceuticals, Mobility & Logistics, Banking & Insurance. We have been providing the best service for our customers for more than 20 years in the field. Get in touch with us today!

Interim Management – Life at the Rapid End of Business – IEC LLC

Today, Cyril Moreau, our CEO, shares his experience as Interim Manager. This insightful view gives you interesting and useful tips on how to prepare for the client company’s expectations and interim assignments.

Not for the faint hearted:

For the past 20+ years I have been working as a Management Consultant and Interim Manager in the USA and other continents such as MEA, Asia and Europe. Therefore, it is a practitioner’s view of change management in interim management situations, typically in dire situations.

When you work as an Interim CEO you essentially end up working for companies that have had a problem or two, either their profits and liquidity went south – sometimes over years, sometimes quite rapidly – they have an obvious leadership problem or, in the best case scenario, a vacancy due to illness or accident that has to be filled immediately for a limited period of time.

With substantial experience in the health care sector and the pharmaceutical industry, I liken the company’s position to a patient sitting in a consultant’s hospital surgery, awaiting diagnosis and treatment. Of course the difference is that the company speaks with multiple voices and what’s more, most of those voices have their own hidden agenda. A patient usually has seen a GP before being referred to a doctor specialized for their illness. Therefore, sometimes there is already a diagnosis even if it is wrong. The company also has group of GPs, i.e. auditors, banks and sometimes a strategy consultant who needs a person implementing the strategy change by doing some surgeries. And, the quality of early diagnosis varies widely. Whatever metaphor you use to describe the situation, you need to be a quick adaptor and have a keen survival instinct.

Before the first day:

Preparation is paramount. Apart from gathering information about the situation, there are several issues that need to be clarified:

  • Set-up of assignments. This is important not only because it defines how employees see you and the impact it will have on you, but also because of your legal risk. Not surprisingly, the higher the hierarchy, the riskier the position for the Interim Manager.
  • Understand the expectations of the stakeholders. Banks, shareholders and management may have differing views about what should be done depending on their particular stake in the company.
  • You need to get an accurate picture of the situation as detailed as possible. So, talk to as many parties as possible beforehand to know the expectations and more importantly, the motives behind them.
  • Be careful about the employment law regulations and procedures. Your case must be indisputable.
  • As everyone can imagine, time is the essence. This is always important, but even more if a company is in financial trouble or is in a complete disarray. So you have to get your facts together real quick and speed up the pace all the way.

International Executive Consulting LLC guides the mid- to large sized organization in instituting best management and strategies to improve their growth and scale new heights of success in future.

Interim Executive: Strategy for Success in Business

The CEO is in charge of developing strategies for all of these to meet business objectives. Increasingly, companies are hiring top-tier interim executives to optimize business operations.

An immediate Effect:

Some CEOs operate on the premise that they should only use interim officers for limited purposes. The first impression is that interim officers only fill vacancies. The second is that they come when a company is in trouble. In addition, many CEOs believe that bringing in an interim executive is too expensive.

The reality about interim officers, however, is much different than imagined. They represent a field of accessible, talented professionals who can provide distinguished leadership and innovation at critical points of expansion and change.

Respond to Business Requirements:

Sometimes growth overtakes a company’s management infrastructure. This type of problem is easy to recognize, but it’s hard to know how to respond. Often, the company will try to support one manager, but the rate of change puts pressure on the entire chain of command. Other times, the company will hire a new executive and focus support efforts on a more long-term senior-level position. Meanwhile, stagnation in leadership could cause the company to lose out on innovation. Growth is good, but managed growth is better.

In such cases, an Interim Executive may be just the strategy a company needs. Simply said, an interim executive’s short-term investments can yield long-term dividends. Interim officers can quickly assess a company/division’s disfunction and hit the ground running with a specific objective or set of objectives.

Interim Officers Provide Intangible Benefits:

When one of the interim executives starts his new role, this is a chance to help changing the face of the company. This process requires much more than typical business functions, such as improving IT, expanding product production, or developing a manufacturing system. Changing public perception as a company grows requires objective thinking, creativity, and calculated risk-taking.

An Interim Executive can act as a liaison with outside vendors on a full-time basis, keeping employees informed of changes while also allowing them to fulfil existing orders. He/she can also provide an outsider’s perspective on operations that may be slowing rather than increasing the company’s efficiency and growth.

Interim Working Model Forward Thinking:

Ultimately, hiring an interim executive for specific needs around a company’s growth and development can be an excellent strategy for tangible and intangible benefits. Doing so allows teams to be focused around sales initiatives, and it can create a culture of innovation. Some estimates suggest that about half of the global workforce will be temporary or interim within the next decade. Additionally, about 80% of large corporations will increase their use of flexible staffing.

Thus, hiring an interim executive for a specific staffing need can certainly help a company’s bottom line. But this is not the limit of its benefits. These are priorities for the long-term of the company. They are also points of focus for Interim Executives of IEC LLC’s who work with some of the world’s most forward-thinking companies.

For more information, visit International Executive Consulting LLC today or drop us an email at

How Much Does An Interim Executive Cost?

Once owners, board members and investors figure out what an interim is and how an interim can help them, the next question is always how much does an interim executive cost?

The short answer is: there is no shelf rate card for interim officers. Or more accurately, it doesn’t exist for the best interim in the world. There are a few reasons why rate cards don’t exist, not least among our IEC team, an elite group of interim, project and partial executives who have been selected to deliver incredible results across companies because of their track record.

Company positions vary greatly, so the scope of work is always unique:

Your company is your child and your child is like no other in the world. Thus, the leader’s capability you need and the process and deliverables required to achieve the best results is a tailor-made solution – no different than rack, one size fits all experiences. We’ve talked to a lot of owners who are disappointed after having to put out money to the firm that they finally delivered a large binder that includes beautiful charts and templates, but no ability to execute. At International Executive Consulting LLC, we treat your situation as unique, and therefore invest the time and effort to match you with an executive authority as well as a tailor-made comp plan for you.


You can’t get a prescription before sharing your problem:

Your doctor will not give you a prescription or treatment plan before listening to your symptoms. Same goes for interim. When we call with an interim executive, they immediately evaluate 1) what you want to achieve; 2) what is needed for the company to create a successful outcome; and 3) if they are excited about the challenge and believe they can provide value. After they listen to you, we’ll create a custom plan for you that defines time, commitment, and compensation.

The interim and permanent executive pay structure is different:

Contracts for interim officers are always short-term in nature. Interim Executives don’t sit comfortably on a hefty pay check or have a severance or benefits package to back them up as this is the case with regular permanent hires. As such interim always tries to bridge the gap between the performance of the company and where it wants to be. For an interim executive to be successful – knowing they won’t last forever – to go into engagement – they must excel and prove to be valuable every day… or they’re gone.

Fee structure may vary – hourly, daily, monthly, project based. Sometimes there is also a performance bonus or equity incentive if an interim is tasked with creating incredible growth in an organization.

If your company has special needs, the specific fit can be quickly ascertained with an interim Executive, with the outcome of a compensation determination that best suits the company’s objectives.

For detailed information visit International Executive Consulting LLC today or email

5 Benefits to Choose Interim Executives Over Full Time Executives

Having a qualified and competent executive management team is integral to the success of any organization. Problems arise, however, when an executive suddenly vacates a position or there is a mismatch between the internal capabilities of a leadership team and the actual skillsets needed for a specific stage of a company’s growth.

The world of interim management, a specialty that has grown significantly through the years, has offered an alternative route for companies wanting to maintain forward motion while re-evaluating what is needed to take them into the future. As opposed to a full-time executive search, interims can be on board in a matter of days and come with flexible contracts and pricing models.

Is interim management right for your company? Here are five common situations where hiring an Interim Executive may be appropriate.

  1. One of your top executives is fired or suddenly leaves:

Whatever the reason is, it’s rarely beneficial to keep their role vacant for too long. You risk disrupting workflow. You risk losing operational momentum. You risk decreasing employees’ morale. When there is a collective misunderstanding for the absence of executive leadership, this can lead to underlying anxiety, uncertainty, and demotivation.

Before reaching this point, interim management can be a solution. While sourcing a replacement for the executive position, an interim exec can keep things running as the business transitions. An Interim Executive steps in to move the organization forward while helping to re-evaluate what is required long-term for a leader to be successful.

  1. The business is growing fast and needs help getting to the next level:

Some executives can keep up with the demands of a growing business. They evolve and manage to lead their companies to reach greater heights. But for others, the growth can be overwhelming, and it demands different skillsets and expertise.

Our Interim Management Service provides on-demand, specialized executive leadership to help through these different growth stages. Maybe a division CEO is needed to establish and expand operations in a different country, or an Interim CEO is required to implement or streamline systems and process for a more efficient operation.

  1. You are venturing into a M&A or post-integration process:

Companies may find themselves preparing for a sale or other similar milestone events. These are usually one-time events that require a specific skillset or expertise where interim management can be a huge asset. Interim executives may be called on to head up business development or even supplement management when there is no deal experience internally. The CEO, for example, serves an important role in the M&A process and if the permanent CEO has not been through a deal process before, looking to outside help can be a great solution. An interim Executive can be engaged on a project-basis to manage everything from due diligence, to interfacing with potential buyers or acquisition targets, to focusing on a post-deal integration plan.

  1. Your business is in trouble and needs restructuring or turnaround:

If your business is in trouble it may be time to rethink your approach. Interim Executive provides a fresh, unbiased perspective from experts who have seen and helped companies emerge from seemingly worst-case scenarios. Bringing in an outside executive who can apply vast experience to assess the root of the problem and make the tough decisions, is often necessary to get a company back on a positive track. Once the fix is complete, interims move to their next challenge, handing the keys back to the company or new permanent executive to run with.

  1. You need unique skills and experience to lead a big project or business transformation:

High-level and technical projects such as ERP implementations, product launches, or new manufacturing facility rollouts can be quite challenging. They often need people who have validated experience of operationalizing them successfully. A management team trying to embark in a business transformation for the first time can risk making common mistakes that could easily be avoided with experience.

As such, companies that are exploring implementing specialized projects can hire interim executives that have required technical experience to enable their successful execution.

Whatever stage your company is at, interim management can serve as an on-demand solution to draw on the best executive leadership for your most unique and pressing needs.

Get to know more, please visit us International Executive Consulting LLC or drop us an email at